The Church Pension Group

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The Church Pension Group related stories

Picture of the Company

For many real estate investors, liquidity is ‘outside of our control’

Having capital to redeploy into new opportunities has been a major challenge for all types of institutions, delegates heard at PERE America.

Picture of the Company

Private real estate looks bleak today, but opportunities are around the corner

Delegates at this week’s PERE America conference in New York heard plenty of negative comments about the sector, but predicted a great buying vintage was not far off for those with liquidity.

Picture of the Company

Former Lehman execs close first-time Japan fund

The opportunistic vehicle from Seven Seas Advisors is understood to have gathered capital from nine overseas investors, including Partners Group.

Picture of the Company

Avanath taps European capital to double size of Fund IV

More than half of the capital for the California firm’s latest vehicle came from the region, much of it from first-time investors.

Picture of the Company

Avanath launches new development business – Exclusive

The real estate investment firm, whose investors include New York State Common, started its latest venture because of the US opportunity zone program.

The Church Pension Group contact information


marker icon19 East 34th Street, New York, 10016, United States
Showing 1 of 1 The Church Pension Group offices


NameJob titleLocationEmail
user imageMr. Alan Snoddy
Job titleManaging Director, Private Investments
LocationNew York, United States
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user imageMr. Christopher Rowe
Job titleManaging Director, Investments
LocationNew York, United States
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user imageMr. Michael Hood
Job titleExecutive Vice President, Managing Director and Chief Investment Officer
LocationNew York, United States
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user imageMr. Sajith Ranasinghe
Job titleManaging Director, Head of Real Estate
LocationNew York, United States
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