Taurus Investment Holdings

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Taurus Investment Holdings overview

Taurus Investment Holdings related stories

Picture of the Company

How the covid-19 crisis will impact the flexible office space

The sector continues to perform for now, but the pandemic poses an existential threat to the short-term subleasing model.

Picture of the Company

A successful REIT flotation has India eyeing a big 2020

Last year’s IPO of Blackstone-backed Embassy Office Park REIT puts the emerging market a step closer to maturation, but challenges remain

Picture of the Company

Preparing for a hidden downturn

On the 10th anniversary of the global financial crisis, six senior industry executives discuss how they are positioning themselves late in the cycle, while still exploiting pockets of opportunity in the US private real estate market.

Picture of the Company

Taurus fully invests debut fund ahead of schedule – Exclusive

The Boston-based private equity real estate firm has finished deploying its $257m US logistics fund with the acquisition of a Chicago-area industrial portfolio, beating its 18-month investment target.

Taurus Investment Holdings contact information


marker iconTwo International Place, Floor 27, Boston, 02110, United States
Showing 1 of 10 Taurus Investment Holdings offices


NameJob titleLocationEmail
user imageMs. Amber Clarke
Job titleDirector of Investor Relations
LocationBoston, United States
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user imageMs. Andrea Brugger
Job titleInvestor Relations Manager
LocationMunich, Germany
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user imageMs. Brigitte Gleixner
Job titleAsset Manager
LocationMunich, Germany
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user imageMs. Florentin Köhler
Job titleAsset Manager
LocationMunich, Germany
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