DTZ Investors

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DTZ Investors overview

DTZ Investors related stories

Picture of the Company

UK’s largest LGPS pool launches two global real estate funds

Border to Coast Pensions Partnership has established core and value-add vehicles with a combined target of £1bn in partner fund commitments.

Picture of the Company

How co-living will perform after covid

The sector has weathered the pandemic storm and, around the world, operators have found their customers valuing the co-living community.

Picture of the Company

Co-living seeks institutional capital

Real estate investment manager DTZ and co-living brand The Collective aim to raise €650m for what they believe is the first institutional fund for the sector.

DTZ Investors contact information


marker icon125 Old Broad Street, London, EC2N 1AR, United Kingdom
Showing 1 of 2 DTZ Investors offices


NameJob titleLocationEmail
user imageMr. Alain de la Bellière
Job titleDeputy Managing Director
LocationParis, France
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user imageMs. Andrea White
Job titleDirector
LocationLondon, United Kingdom
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user imageMr. Jean Blondel
Job titlePresident, DTZI France
LocationParis, France
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user imageMr. Martin Gilbert
Job titleDirector
LocationLondon, United Kingdom
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