The A-Z of responsible investing
The themes and issues top of mind for managers, investors and advisors when investing responsibly in private real estate
At our Responsible Investment Forum Europe in London back in May, PERE teamed up with Brighton-based illustrator Lee Playle to create an illustrated A-Z wall based on suggestions from conference delegates of what each letter in the alphabet could represent in the context of responsible investing in the real estate world. Such was the popularity of the A-Z at the forum that we decided to turn it into this special short report. While the themes we have selected to focus on – affordable housing, climate change, diversity, health and well-being, energy transition, low carbon economy, quality data and urbanization – are not a definitive list of all the issues currently in play in the world of private real estate responsible investing, there is little doubt that they represent some of the most pertinent sustainability concerns and core agenda items in the real estate investment community at this time.